Data until March 2023. Lithium-ion battery prices (including the pack and cell) represent the global volume-weighted average across all sectors. Nickel prices are based on the London Metal Exchange, used here as a proxy for global pricing, although most nickel trade takes place through direct contracts between producers and consumers.
Our specialist focus on the lithium ion battery supply chain and unrivalled network of industry contacts make Benchmark Minerals’ Lithium Price Assessment the world’s most trusted source of lithium price data, regularly referenced in negotiations and increasingly used in supply chain contracts.
Our lithium prices are market-reflective, assessing both the buy- and sell-side of transactions. You need transparency and clarity in these volatile markets and we recognize the importance of being clear about our lithium price assessment and index process. Our independently audited lithium pricing process aligns with core IOSCO principles.
IEA analysis based on data from Bloomberg and Bloomberg New Energy Finance Lithium-Ion Price Survey (2023). “Battery pack price” refers to the volume-weighted average pack price of lithium-ion batteries over all sectors. Price of selected battery materials and lithium-ion batteries, 2015-2024 - Chart and data by the International Energy Agency.
We provide the lithium commodity price for the following: Fastmarkets’ mission is to meet the market’s data requirements honestly and independently, acting with integrity and care to ensure that the trust and confidence placed in the reliability of our pricing methodologies is maintained. Why use a price reporting agency?
Trading Economics provides Lithium pricing based on spot prices for Lithium Carbonate, 99.5% Li2CO3 min, battery grade, traded in China. Lithium is a silver-white light metal. Lithium hydroxide is used in batteries for electrical vehicles and mobile phones.