Portable electronic devices require high-performance miniaturised electronic components, preferably produced at low cost. In most line-powered applications, alternating current (AC) line filters are used to filter AC lines to direct current (DC) signals, making filtering capacitors a key necessity in modern electronic devices.
Various electrode materials have been reported to reveal supercapacitors with AC line-filtering performance; however, the balance of high specific capacitance and an excellent filtering efficiency is a prodigious challenge.
Recently, more and more supercapacitors (SCs) have been developed as AC line filter capacitors, which are generally named AC line filter electrochemical capacitors (FECs). Compared to traditional b...
The structure and morphology of the electrode material can be controlled to ensure that the electrolyte permeates completely, and thus, the supercapacitor has AC filtering performance .
In most line-powered applications, alternating current (AC) line filters are used to filter AC lines to direct current (DC) signals, making filtering capacitors a key necessity in modern electronic devices. Currently, aluminium electrolytic capacitors (AECs) are commonly used, which are bulky and have narrow electrochemical performance.
To understand the reasons, it is necessary to briefly know the mechanism of capacitor filtering. When a voltage is applied to the capacitor, the charge is stored. When the voltage in the circuit is less than the capacitor voltage, the charge in the capacitor will be released to compensate the circuit.