Algeria prepares his energy transition, Beginning with a consumption model based on energy savings and efficiency reflected in the scenarios (“Trend of EE” and “voluntarism of EE”) in our study. The latter will reduce the growth in energy demand.
Today, the energy needs of Algeria are satisfied almost exclusively by oil, including natural gas. In the long term, the continuation of current national energy model can make problems in the supply-demand balance for the energy source (Trend scenario of no EE in our studies).
Economically speaking, Algeria faces a crisis that penalizes the national economy. Its economy is in poor performance whose finances depend largely on oil revenues which represent half of GDP. For this reason, the new measures are envisaged to limit the energy dependence of the country on fossil fuels.
The provision of sufficient infrastructure for the generation and transport of large amounts of renewable electricity in Algeria can only be achieved by a substantial, innovative upgrade and modernization of the Algerian power transmission system.
Algeria has an extensive AC network, not only covering the densely populated coastal areas, but also due to the presence of its oil and gas industry, reaching far into the largely unpopulated Center of the country. Owner of grid is the state utility Sonelgaz, which is also responsible for operation, management and development of the grid.
Had also made a prospective study of the final energy demand for Algeria in 2030 which he estimated annual growth rate of 4% for the energy demands in Algeria in the horizon by 2030. A number of other researches deals with the same subject have been done and are detailed in their papers , , , , .