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Do solar cells increase photocurrent at room temperature?

We show that this sequential two-photon photocurrent at room temperature is non-thermionic and that with light bias, the solar cells exhibit a 44% increase in photocurrent at room temperature, and a 19% increase in subgap photocurrent at 78 K.

Do photovoltaic cells with or without F-process increase photocurrent?

Solar parameters of representative photovoltaic cells with or without F-process The enhanced photocurrent of the PSCs after the F-process was also verified by measuring the external quantum efficiency (EQE) of the PSCs with and without the F-process (Figure 4d). The EQE of the F-PSC increased over a broad range of visible light.

How is photocurrent calculated in a solar cell?

The photocurrent is calculated for the AM1.5D spectrum, which is representative of concentrated sunlight. A solar cell driven by thermionic escape would show an increasing subgap photocurrent with temperature. In contrast, we see the sub-bandgap photocurrent decrease with temperature at temperatures above 200 K.

Are OPV-based photovoltaic cells based on light intensity?

Considering that indoor light photovoltaic cells and photodetectors operate under vastly different light intensity regimes compared with outdoor solar cells, a comprehensive understanding of the intensity dependence of charge collection (over a very broad range of intensities) is needed to chart the full potential of OPV-based technologies.

How efficient are solar cells?

In the case of solar cells, attaining high efficiency at a reasonable cost is crucial for a viable platform. With traditional silicon-based solar cells achieving efficiencies of just over 26% 9, they are approaching their fundamental limiting efficiency of around 32%.

How does light intensity affect photocurrent?

At very high light intensities, thermal effects may also start to play a role. These effects are generally associated with a turnover of the V OC with increasing intensity 56 but could also influence the photocurrent.

Light-activated photocurrent degradation and self …

Solution-processed organometallic perovskite solar cells have emerged as one of the most promising thin-film photovoltaic technology. However, a key challenge is their lack of stability over ...

Fundamentals of solar cell physics revisited: Common pitfalls when ...

For ideal solar cells, the limiting efficiency occurs when all the absorbed photons generate electron-hole pairs that are fully collected, generating a photo-current, and in such a …

Strong Photocurrent Amplification in Perovskite Solar Cells with a ...

We show that under reverse bias strong photocurrent amplification is observed, permitting the cell to work as a high-gain photodetector at low voltage. Without BL, the solar …

Light-activated photocurrent degradation and self-healing in ...

Solution-processed organometallic perovskite solar cells have emerged as one of the most promising thin-film photovoltaic technology. However, a key challenge is their lack …

Highly Improved Photocurrent Density and Efficiency of Perovskite Solar …

Increase in incident light and surface modification of the charge transport layer are powerful routes to achieve high-performance efficiency of perovskite solar cells (PSCs) by improving …

Article Light intensity dependence of the photocurrent in organic ...

Considering that indoor light photovoltaic cells and photodetectors operate under vastly different light intensity regimes compared with outdoor solar cells, a …

Identifying the Nature and Location of Defects in n–

The monochromatic light is then passed through a concave cylindrical lens, to focus the light and increase the intensity on the active area of the solar cell. The solar cell was …

Fundamentals of solar cell physics revisited: Common pitfalls …

For ideal solar cells, the limiting efficiency occurs when all the absorbed photons generate electron-hole pairs that are fully collected, generating a photo-current, and in such a …

Role of the Metal-Oxide Work Function on Photocurrent ...

The concept of hybrid metal-oxide polymer solar cells is driven by the motivation of combining advantages of organic and inorganic solar cells 1,2 sides high power …

Maximizing light absorption and photocurrent in organic solar cells …

We provide a physical interpretation of the mechanism by which maximum light absorption is achieved in organic solar cells (OSCs) through the tailoring of Fabry-Perot (FP) …

Understanding the Light‐Intensity Dependence of the …

In organic solar cells, bimolecular recombination is a key factor limiting the device performance and creating the need for characterization. Light-intensity-dependent short-circuit current density measurements are a …

Origin of Photocurrent and Voltage Losses in Organic Solar Cells

Organic solar cells (OSCs) have recently achieved power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) of over 16%. However, there still exist large losses in photocurrent and/or voltage in …

Photocurrent enhancements of organic solar cells by altering …

Incorporation of metal nanoparticles into active layers of organic solar cells is one of the promising light trapping approaches. The size of metal nanoparticles is one of key …

Strong Photocurrent Amplification in Perovskite Solar Cells with …

We show that under reverse bias strong photocurrent amplification is observed, permitting the cell to work as a high-gain photodetector at low voltage. Without BL, the solar …

Understanding the Light‐Intensity Dependence of the Short‐Circuit ...

In organic solar cells, bimolecular recombination is a key factor limiting the device performance and creating the need for characterization. Light-intensity-dependent short …

Explaining the Fill‐Factor and Photocurrent Losses …

1 Introduction. In recent years, the organic semiconductor community has witnessed a rapid increase in the performance of organic solar cells (OSC), with state-of-the-art efficiencies above 18%. [] Such solar cells …

Terahertz photocurrent spectrum analysis of AlGaAs/GaAs

The THz photocurrent spectroscopy technique is demonstrated on GaAs and AlGaAs single-junction solar cells, as well as on the triple-junction AlGaAs/GaAs/GaAsBi solar …

Recent advancements in plasmon-enhanced promising third …

In thin film solar cells, strong local field enhancement around metal NPs can be used to increase light absorption of solar cells. ... metal NPs were incorporated into QDs solar …

Highly Improved Photocurrent Density and Efficiency …

Increase in incident light and surface modification of the charge transport layer are powerful routes to achieve high-performance efficiency of perovskite solar cells (PSCs) by improving the short-circuit current density (J SC) and charge …

Two-photon photocurrent in InGaN/GaN nanowire intermediate …

We show that this sequential two-photon photocurrent at room temperature is non-thermionic and that with light bias, the solar cells exhibit a 44% increase in photocurrent …

Dependence of the Photocurrent Conversion Efficiency of Dye …

The strong dependence of the IPCE on the incident light intensity has consequences for the efficiency of a dye-sensitized solar cell at low illumination levels.

Photocurrent Enhancement of Perovskite Solar Cells at the …

The induced transparency regime refers to an intermediate case between the absorption enhancement regime and the strong coupling regime. ... in thin-film solar cells. …

Light-activated photocurrent degradation and self …

All these measurements suggest that the photocurrent degradation in solar cells is truly induced by light soaking. ... but also a crossover to a strong coupling regime between the carrier and the ...

Photocurrent in bulk heterojunction solar cells

Organic solar cells have improved greatly in the last years, reaching 5–6 % power conversion efficiency PCE today.1 However, the Shockley diode equation cannot explain the voltage …

Two-photon photocurrent in InGaN/GaN nanowire intermediate band solar cells

We show that this sequential two-photon photocurrent at room temperature is non-thermionic and that with light bias, the solar cells exhibit a 44% increase in photocurrent …