Although very unlikely, there may come a point when your solar battery gets to above 50oC and potentially too hot to touch. This is when there is likely a major manufacturing defect, and your battery has malfunctioned.
Here are some things you can do if your solar inverter overheats: The first thing you should do is turn off any non-essential appliances that are connected to the system. This will reduce the load on the inverter and help prevent it from overheating.
How to Fix Solar Battery Over Discharge: A Comprehensive Guide - Solar Panel Installation, Mounting, Settings, and Repair. To fix a solar battery over discharge, you’ll first need to identify the root cause. This could be due to improper battery maintenance, faulty fittings, or imbalanced loads.
Stringent following up on maintenance procedures, keeping your battery at the recommended levels, and ensuring the correct set-up can prevent recurring over-discharge. You might also need to replace the diodes in your solar panel to stop them from discharging your battery.
At maximum load, solar batteries can get as high as 50 degrees C to 60 degrees C. Here are a list of popular manufacturers and their operating temperatures Here are the sources for the datasheets: It is also worth noting that the minimum operating temperatures are lower than -20oC and -25oC.
One is to install a solar fan that will blow air over the device. You should also keep your inverter in a shaded area to protect it from direct sunlight. We also recommend having heat sinks installed on the back of the inverter. These will help dissipate heat away from the device. How Hot Can a Solar Inverter Get?