It’s a battery that uses a solid electrolyte, instead of a liquid or gel-based one. The electrolyte is that bit in the middle, between the cathode and anode. Why are solid-state batteries the next big thing for EVs? Solid-state battery compositions will make batteries smaller and more energy dense.
But the biggest revolution in electric car technology is still to come. Solid state batteries are set to be a real game changer, making electric cars cheaper, safer, quicker to charge, longer lasting and with much more range.
VW's Solid State Cell Holds Up for 300K Miles "Like [lithium-ion] batteries, Solid Power's batteries typically contain nickel, manganese, lithium, and small amounts of cobalt. The same methods for recycling lithium-ion batteries by extracting these metals will also work for solid-state batteries.
Solid state batteries are set to be a real game changer, making electric cars cheaper, safer, quicker to charge, longer lasting and with much more range. Car makers say they will offer at least twice the energy density of the current lithium-ion battery technology, significantly shorter charging times, and all at a lower cost.
For the last few years, car makers have begun to mention solid state batteries as the next breakthrough EVs, usually quoting insane performance and range at the same time. So, what makes solid-state battery tech so good for EVs, how does it work – or is it just a bunch of vapourware? What are solid-state batteries?
Solid-state: the adjective to describe the most pivotal moment in battery innovation, if it ever happens, of course. Most car makers have muttered something about them in the last couple of years, but what are they and why should you care. Here’s all you need to know about this ground-breaking tech, right down to when it'll be available in our EVs.
Right now, all-electric and plug-in hybrid cars rely on lithium-ion battery packs, which have technical limits. Solid-state batteries may be the "next big thing" in electric car technology. Here''s what you need to know. ... Solid-state batteries …