This paper explores the performance dynamics of a solar-integrated charging system. It outlines a simulation study on harnessing solar energy as the primary Direct Current (DC) EV charging source. The approach incorporates an Energy Storage System (ESS) to address solar intermittencies and mitigate photovoltaic (PV) mismatch losses.
The layout of a solar-powered EV charging station is shown in Figure 1. Solar panels, DC/DC converters, EVs, bidirectional EV chargers, as well as bidirectional inverters are the main components of a PV-powered EV charging station. Through a bidirectional inverter, the charging station is connected to the microgrid.
Solar energy, harnessed from the sun, offers an abundant and clean power source, presenting an optimal solution for sustainable EV charging . However, solar intermittencies and photovoltaic (PV) losses are a significant challenge in embracing this technology for DC chargers.
However, solar intermittencies and photovoltaic (PV) losses are a significant challenge in embracing this technology for DC chargers. On the other hand, the Energy Storage System (ESS) has also emerged as a charging option. When ESS is paired with solar energy, it guarantees clean, reliable, and efficient charging for EVs [7, 8].
In its current version, the EV-PV charger can take in solar energy and charge the EV, but it does not have any specialised knowledge on how to do it. The cost of electricity is predicted to remain low throughout the morning; hence, charging an EV from the grid is more profitable in the morning.
This correlation underscores the efficiency gains achievable through enhanced solar power absorption, facilitating more effective and expedited EV charging. Citation: Umair M, Hidayat NM, Sukri Ahmad A, Nik Ali NH, Mawardi MIM, Abdullah E (2024) A renewable approach to electric vehicle charging through solar energy storage.