This distance range calculator will take the total amount of battery energy available and the consumption for the battery powered electric vehicle (EV, BEV) to be used, and will estimate how far it will be possible to travel. The distance range formula used by this calculator is: d = E / EVC Enter the total battery energy used during the trip.
Small and fun calculator to calculate your electric vehicle range. Input your battery capacity, State of charge (SOC) and vehicle efficiency Wh/km. For vehicle efficiency see the article below. The formula for EV range calculation below is SOC*Battery Usable Energy in kWh divide by Vehicle efficiency.
Battery capacity is expressed in ampere-hours (Ah) and represents the total amount of energy stored in the battery pack that can be used to power a vehicle. To calculate battery capacity for an electric vehicle, you need to know the total energy stored in the battery pack (in kilowatt-hours, kWh) and divide it by the battery pack’s voltage.
Range = (Maximum Battery Capacity) X (Number of Batteries) X (Vehicle Efficiency). For Example:- if a car has a maximum battery capacity of 200 kWh and two batteries, then the range would be 400 miles. If the vehicle has a total battery capacity of 200 kWh and four batteries, then the content would be 800 miles.
The Formula for Calculating the Range of an Ev is: Range (miles) = Battery Capacity (kWh) / Efficiency (kWh/mile) For Example, an EV with a 60 kWh battery and an efficiency of 0.25 kWh/mile would have a range of 240 miles. The Formula for Calculating the Range is:
In order to calculate the size of the battery we need two main inputs: the average energy consumption and the range of the vehicle. This article is explaining how to calculate the energy consumption of a vehicle and it’s part of a EV design series: