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Is cell sorting a reliable method for photovoltaic module manufacturing?

In photovoltaic module manufacturing processes, it is essential to achieve high production reliability of modules based on the given cells with scattered characteristics. This study aims to investigate the optimal cell sorting method to minimize the deviation of module power via simulation analysis.

How do we sort solar cells?

Sorting of solar cells is a vital step to achieve the predetermined power out of the photovoltaic module, nevertheless there is a lack of detailed investigations of all relevant parameters defining the global module efficiency. Sorting methods tend to rely on simple electrical parameters such as P-MAX, I-MPP, and I-SC.

Does optimal cell sorting minimize the deviation of module power?

This study aims to investigate the optimal cell sorting method to minimize the deviation of module power via simulation analysis. We consider the given solar cells to have different electrical characteristics with Gaussian distributions and ideal interconnections.

Does a particular sorting method affect the performance variance of PV cells?

Meanwhile, a particular sorting method of PV cells will impact the performance variance of the modules considering limitedly produced cells with different characteristics in production lines.

Do solar cells have different electrical characteristics with Gaussian distributions?

We consider the given solar cells to have different electrical characteristics with Gaussian distributions and ideal interconnections. We examine the resultant power distributions of modules for various cell sorting methods based on multiple cell parameters such as maximum power current, maximum power voltage, and maximum power of the cells.

Does sorting based on the average maximum power reduce standard deviation?

Our results reveal that different sorting methods lead to only slight variations in the average maximum module power, but sorting cells based on their average maximum power can significantly reduce the standard deviation of the maximum power of the modules.


Three options for cell sorting were investigated: I) Front power binning: Only efficiency/power (here equal) criteria under 1000 W/m² front side illumination

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[PDF] Optimal solar cell sorting method for high module …

In photovoltaic module manufacturing processes, it is essential to achieve high production reliability of modules based on the given cells with scattered characteristics. This study aims to …

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Optimal solar cell sorting method for high module ...

We examine the resultant power distributions of modules for various cell sorting methods based on multiple cell parameters such as maximum power current, maximum power …

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Simulation and Analysis of PV Module Performance by Innovative …

Sorting of solar cells is a vital step to achieve the predetermined power out of the photovoltaic module, nevertheless there is a lack of detailed investigations of all relevant …

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Investigating the electrical current behavior of these sorts of PV cells shows that a modified multi‐ or single diode(s) model with shunt and series resistance can use as a good …

Simulation and Analysis of PV Module Performance by Innovative Sorting ...

Sorting of solar cells is a vital step to achieve the predetermined power out of the photovoltaic module, nevertheless there is a lack of detailed investigations of all relevant …

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