Both of these wires will be used to connect the spot welder to the battery. The red wire is connected to the other side of the solenoid using the terminal lug side. The black wire is connected to the bolt on the backside of the stand (Same bolt we connected the black wire from the welding pen).
To make a traditional battery pack, 18650 cells need to be connected together with a pure nickel strip. Nickel strips come in various lengths, widths, and thicknesses.
By using zip ties along the length of the wire, we can make an arm for the spot welder. Position the transformer, the circuit, the battery pack with hot glue. Then, we can test the assembly by adding a switch, connecting supply, and attaching 47 and 100 micro farad capacitors in parallel. And this project will be successfully complete.
This spot welder basically uses a car or lawnmower battery to to provide the current necessary to do the spot welds. The amount of current that will be applied to the weld is fairly high. I expect in excess of 200 amps. To accommodate this we’ll be using a starter solenoid to pass the current.
The ProTip is how to make a simple Battery Tab welder from an Audio Capacitor (.6F and up) This has also ended up to be my favourite one of the 7. The welds it produces have no burns and the tabs are almost perfect when done. Hardly a sound when it fires. Great Little 3lbs welder! Please, Don't forget to Vote!Thanks for showing Support!
Spot welding! Spot welding is easy. The first step is to set the amount of energy or the pulse time, depending on the welder. After that, it's a matter of placing the nickel strip on top of the cell group you wish to weld. The welding electrodes need to be pressed down with a light amount of pressure.