production and technical application of lead oxides. PENOX Group is one of the world’s largest producers of lead oxides, with a clear focus to serve the lead-acid battery sector.
Beside litharge powder PENOX GmbH in Germany is also able to produce granulated litharge mainly for glass application such as lead crystal, X-ray protection and glass fibres. This product allows a nearly dust-free handling during transport and processing.
All red lead grades can be made as high purity products. Currently lead acid battery producers are the biggest consumer of lead oxides and red lead produced within PENOX Group. Ever more sophisticated battery manufacturing processes require PENOX to meet higher demands in terms of the oxide physio-chemical characteristics .
A conductive additive with a very high structure and purity designed for Li-ion batteries that increases the electrical conductivity and enables higher solids content of battery electrode slurries.
Within PENOX Group red lead is produced in two steps using batch and continuous operating furnaces. PENOX GmbH in Germany is also able to manufacture a single step red lead for special battery applications. The final product quality is adjusted to the customer application in terms of Pb 3 O 4 content, grain size distribution and tamped density.
Red lead oxide is a bright red to orange powder commonly used in the production of lead glass, ceramics and as a component in lead acid battery plates. Chemically, red lead oxide is lead tetroxide (chemical formula Pb3O4). It is a water-insoluble compound made by oxidising metallic lead or for further oxidation of lead monoxide