Polymer capacitor usually operate under multi-field coupling conditions, such as high temperature and high electric field, which can alter the microstructure of polymer dielectric films.
In other words, the operation performance of film capacitors is largely determined by the properties of polymer films, such as dielectric constant (ε r), dielectric loss (tan δ), breakdown strength (Eb) and electrical resistivity, glass transition temperature (Tg).
Abstract: In this letter, a modified series-capacitor (SC) high conversion ratio (HCR) dc-dc converter is proposed.
Despite the huge impacts of modification strategies on supercapacitor performance, the current research on LDHs is still in its infancy and laboratory stage. More efforts should be devoted to the following aspects to promote further progress.
Furthermore, there is a high demand for electrostatic capacitors that can operate in harsh environments such as NEVs and underground oil and gas drilling systems, therefore, it is also an urgent need for developing high-temperature and high-energy–density capacitors . Fig. 1. Representative applications of polymer film capacitors.
The bilayer, trilayer and multilayer films mentioned above have become one of the mainstream modification methods for improving the room-temperature energy storage performance of polymer capacitor films.