The lead acid RV battery, like all lead acid batteries, uses flat plates of lead submerged in an electrolyte. This allows it to store a charge and provide power in many applications, especially in cars and RVs. Lead acid batteries are fairly old technology. Over time, a number of different kinds of deep-cycle RV batteries have been developed.
By comparison, a lithium RV battery will provide 80% (to as much as 100%!) of its capacity before you need to recharge it. Plus it can recharge more quickly than a similar lead acid RV battery. Lifespan When it comes to the lifespan of a lithium RV battery vs a lead acid battery, lithium wins again.
Lithium batteries, also called lithium-ion batteries, use the metal lithium in place of lead. There several different types. In most cases, your lithium RV battery is going to be a lithium iron phosphate battery. These are usually referred to as LiFePO4 batteries. LiFePO4 batteries have many benefits over lead acid batteries:
Sealed lead-acid batteries, unlike flooded lead-acid, are constructed with enough acid to last through the warranty period. No distilled water should be added to a sealed lead-acid battery, making the maintenance process minimal.
Lead-acid batteries have some major disadvantages compared to modern lithium batteries. They are very heavy. Although lead-acid batteries are capable of deep discharge, deep discharges will markedly impact the battery’s life.
Lead-acid batteries have been around since the mid-1800s and are the earliest type of rechargeable battery in existence. Over 170 years old, the technology behind lead-acid batteries is mature and successful. But it also means that it does not take advantage of the most advanced technology available.