Many people are unsure how to get rid of used batteries in a safe and environmentally friendly way, which is why we offer our specialist battery recycling services. Simply chuck your used batteries into our handy sacks or small battery recycling bins and our team will collect them from inside your business.
To transport batteries yourself, for example to a recycling plant, you must: You do not have to take back used batteries if you sell less than 32kg of batteries a year. You can voluntarily take back batteries but you may have to arrange collection and transport yourself. Speak to a compliance scheme operator - they may offer a collection.
Collect used household batteries in an empty tub and once full take to a battery recycling collection point. Use rechargeable batteries wherever possible - you can even buy a solar-powered recharger! Plug electrical equipment into the mains electricity when available.
As users don't know how to dispose of batteries, these toxins are absorbed into the soil and end up infiltrating our water supply, endangering wildlife and humans. Do you offer collection for you battery recycling service?
Cobalt and lithium are two resources required to manufacture batteries and are seen to be in critical supply as demand increases. So it’s important to recycle all batteries whether they are everyday double AA’s or a rechargeable battery that is part of an electrical device. Batteries should not be put in general waste.
Consignment note will be available in your customer portal once collected. Simply chuck your used batteries into our small battery recycling bins and our team will collect them from inside your business. Not sure what you need? Need to display instructions? Ever felt confused about the safe disposal of batteries? You’re not alone!