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How do I get rid of used batteries?

Many people are unsure how to get rid of used batteries in a safe and environmentally friendly way, which is why we offer our specialist battery recycling services. Simply chuck your used batteries into our handy sacks or small battery recycling bins and our team will collect them from inside your business.

Can I take back used batteries?

To transport batteries yourself, for example to a recycling plant, you must: You do not have to take back used batteries if you sell less than 32kg of batteries a year. You can voluntarily take back batteries but you may have to arrange collection and transport yourself. Speak to a compliance scheme operator - they may offer a collection.

How do you recycle a battery?

Collect used household batteries in an empty tub and once full take to a battery recycling collection point. Use rechargeable batteries wherever possible - you can even buy a solar-powered recharger! Plug electrical equipment into the mains electricity when available.

What happens if you don't know how to dispose of batteries?

As users don't know how to dispose of batteries, these toxins are absorbed into the soil and end up infiltrating our water supply, endangering wildlife and humans. Do you offer collection for you battery recycling service?

Should batteries be recycled?

Cobalt and lithium are two resources required to manufacture batteries and are seen to be in critical supply as demand increases. So it’s important to recycle all batteries whether they are everyday double AA’s or a rechargeable battery that is part of an electrical device. Batteries should not be put in general waste.

How do I dispose of used batteries?

Consignment note will be available in your customer portal once collected. Simply chuck your used batteries into our small battery recycling bins and our team will collect them from inside your business. Not sure what you need? Need to display instructions? Ever felt confused about the safe disposal of batteries? You’re not alone!

What to Do if You Have a Flat Car Battery | Halfords UK

If your car battery dies and you aren''t sure what to do next, read our guide to learn more about your options from jump-starts to battery recycling. ... Pop Up Tents Festival Tents 1-2 Man …

The truth about electric car battery degradation

Anyone with a laptop or smartphone will have experienced the inevitable reduction in the charge held by the battery, and how long the device can subsequently run before it needs a top up. Unsurprisingly, this is also a …

Your Guide to Battery Recycling

But what happens when the battery stops working? It can be difficult to know what to do with used batteries once they have lost their charge. So, with this in mind, we have put together a guide …

Battery Recycling for Business

We provide two types of battery recycling collection services for businesses: pay-as-you-go sack collection and 10L bin collection. Both available on a flexible and reliable schedule of your …

How to tell if your smart meter is faulty and what you …

The number of faulty smart meters surged in the second half of 2023. If your energy supplier is not getting accurate readings they may over-charge. Find out how to tell if your meter is working here.

Battery Energy Storage System concerns

The safety issue reported relates to a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) which was built and commissioned in 2018. Due to the drive to decrease reliance on fossil …

Battery storage

If you can store the electricity generated during the day, you can use it later in the evening and the following day, reducing the amount of electricity you purchase from the grid. There are other ways to use more of your solar generation, …

Battery waste: retailer and distributor responsibilities

You must offer free collection (''takeback'') of waste or used batteries if you sell or supply 32kg or more of portable batteries per year.

Take charge of battery disposal | Your questions answered

If you can remove the battery from the product, please do so. Batteries and waste electrical items should be recycled separately. However, some electronic devices …

What Happens if a Laptop Battery is Not Used for a Long Time?

If this is left unchecked and the battery becomes dead, you might be unable to revive it. To prevent damage to a laptop battery if you won''t be using it for a long time, do the …

Recycling Batteries | Disposal & Collections | Recycle More

Discover the significance of battery recycling. Learn about battery collection, the recycling processes and play an essential role in transforming the environment

How to Choose the Right Battery for Your Project

Although energy density tells you how much energy a battery can store, it does not tell you how quickly it can release this energy. Power Density. Power density is how fast a device can discharge its stored energy. A battery with high power …

Consumer products: recycling batteries and electrical …

The one exception is where the battery is part of the device and cannot be taken out, in items such as calculators and e-cigarettes. These need to be treated as electrical products.

What is a battery and which characters are good at it?

In the case of Fischl and Razor, when Fischl''s bird - Oz shoots enemies, purple energy particles fly to you. What you should do is make sure you ''catch'' those energy particles when Razor is …

What to do with batteries?

Collect used household batteries in an empty tub and once full take to a battery recycling collection point. Use rechargeable batteries wherever possible - you can even buy a …

Recycling Batteries | Disposal & Collections | Recycle …

Discover the significance of battery recycling. Learn about battery collection, the recycling processes and play an essential role in transforming the environment

Your Guide to Battery Recycling

But what happens when the battery stops working? It can be difficult to know what to do with used batteries once they have lost their charge. So, with this in mind, we have put together a guide of how you can recycle your batteries so that …

Battery Energy Storage: How it works, and why it''s important

Battery energy storage enables the storage of electrical energy generated at one time to be used at a later time. This simple yet transformative capability is increasingly significant. The need for …

Consumer products: recycling batteries and electrical waste

The one exception is where the battery is part of the device and cannot be taken out, in items such as calculators and e-cigarettes. These need to be treated as electrical …

Battery storage

If you can store the electricity generated during the day, you can use it later in the evening and the following day, reducing the amount of electricity you purchase from the grid. There are other …


Make sure you are powering your device with the right battery. First, check any user instructions given by the device manufacturer. For more efficient use of energy, refer to our eco panels on …

In-depth guide to heat pumps

Compare this to fossil fuel boilers, which are designed to send water to your radiators at up to 75 degrees. You can still heat your home effectively even at these lower …

Battery Recycling for Business

We provide two types of battery recycling collection services for businesses: pay-as-you-go sack collection and 10L bin collection. Both available on a flexible and reliable schedule of your choosing - no contract required.

Guide to battery recycling

What shall I do with batteries that are concealed in the product? If you can remove the battery from the product, please do so. Batteries and waste electrical items should be recycled …

Solar Back-up Batteries & Power Cuts

In a solar battery back-up system, the battery needs to hold enough power for your everyday use while keeping some energy in reserve in case a power cut happens. The larger the capacity of …