Certain solar panels in the market can use as high as 90% of rooftop area but have a much higher cost. As a thumb rule, you require 10 sq meter area for a 1 kW solar system capacity. Shading is another important factor which decides the positioning and size of the plant. The system should be facing south with a certain degree on the panels.
Generally, 1kW energy is absorbed by a 1sq m area of the earth. But here the efficiency of the solar panels is an important aspect. Therefore, for 1kW power, a 10 sq m area of the rooftop is needed. However, this is just an approximate value of the area that is needed. Some factors have to be considered.
Instead, when you hear someone referring to a 1kw solar panel, they’re actually referring to a 1 kW solar system made up of multiple solar panels equaling 1000 watts. For example, by connecting 10x 100-watt solar panels in series, you’d end up with a 1 kW solar array.
The total size of this 1 kW solar panel array would be 5,3M2. Remember that you’ll need less space with more powerful solar panels to reach 1 kW of solar power. For example, you’ll need 4.7sqm of space with 550-watt solar panels to get 1 kW, whereas, with 50-watt, you’ll need 5.67sqm.
For estimation, one can use 70% of the roof area for installation. But for larger setups 90% area may be needed. As a general rule for a 1kw rooftop, a solar PV system 10sq m area is considered. Generally, 1kW energy is absorbed by a 1sq m area of the earth. But here the efficiency of the solar panels is an important aspect.
At first, this seems impressive, and it is, but there are some practical points for you to consider: For example, a 1 kW solar panel system will produce 1 kW of electricity for a few hours a day, but only when it’s a clear sunny day. Below is a chart showcasing a 1 kW solar panel’s electricity output over a summer’s day.