Source: JRC analysis. The supply 1 of each processed raw material and components for batteries is currently controlled by an oligopoly industry, which is highly concentrated in China. Although China is expected to continue holding a dominant position, geographic diversification will increase on the supply side, mostly for refined lithium.
As the core component of an EV fleet, automotive lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have experienced dramatic growth with the strong demand for EVs. However, the physical separation of LIB production facilities and EV manufacturing centers across borders highlights the importance of the international EV-LIB trade, which warrants a detailed investigation.
Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are an essential part for electric vehicles (EVs) and have experienced rapid growth with the strong demand for EVs. Conce…
In the short to medium-term, deficits are expected for lithium in 2022-2023, whereas the global supply/demand market balance will be tight for nickel (by 2029), graphite (by 2024) and manganese (by 2025). By 2025, the EU domestic production of battery cells is expected to cover EU’s consumption needs for electric vehicles and energy storage.
Structure evolution in the EV-LIB trade The static topological analyses indicate that an increasing number of countries are participating in the EV-LIB trade, and the trade value reached 28.74 billion in 2019. The EV-LIB trade network shows obvious heterogeneity and a hierarchical structure.
The results show a heterogeneous structure in the backbone network, and the trade barycenter is transitioning from Asia to Europe. In addition, a “robust-yet-fragile” characterization is revealed in the global EV-LIB trade network, and the hidden risks in leading EV-LIB exporter nodes and trade edges are uncovered.