This article has been viewed 1,490,942 times. To change a watch battery, figure out if the watch back snaps off or if it's held in place by screws, then remove it accordingly. If there's a clip holding the battery in place, insert a small screwdriver into the hole and press up to disengage it.
By taking the proper precautions and carefully following the correct methods, you can quickly and easily replace a faulty or dead battery in your favorite watch. If you have a snap back or Swatch watch, insert a small flathead screwdriver or coin into the indentation and twist to pop off the watch back.
If there's a clip holding the battery in place, insert a small screwdriver into the hole and press up to disengage it. Then, pry the old battery out of the casing with plastic tweezers, discard it, and push the new battery into place. Be sure to check that the watch is working before reattaching the back!
Check the battery polarity in the compartment, The positive (+) terminal should be facing downward. Take the battery to a jewellery store or electronics store such as Radio Shack to match up with the correct replacement. Insert the new battery in the Rotary watch with the positive side facing down. Reattach the battery cover with the screw.
One of the clips is stationary, while the other can be moved to change the battery. In some luxury watches like Rolex watches, screws may hold the battery in place. At this point, it’s a good idea to use your phone to take a picture of the battery placement to avoid putting in the new battery upside down.
Locate the small notch on the back of the watch opposite the stem. Slip the flat edge of the jeweller's screwdriver into the notch and gently pry up the back cover until it pops off. Remove the screw securing the battery cover. The battery underneath is a round button.