3. What are the types of solar thermal collectors? There are several types of solar thermal collectors, including flat-plate collectors, evacuated tube collectors, concentrating collectors, and integrated collector-storage systems. Each type has its own advantages and applications depending on factors such as efficiency, cost, and intended use.
In residential systems, simple and cheap solar panels are used to collect the solar heat energy below 60°C. Residential panels for heat collection are referred to as flat plate collectors. Solar energy collectors are special kind of heat exchangers that transform solar radiation energy into internal energy of the transport medium.
Some common uses of solar collectors are: Heating systems. Heating pool water. Electricity production in large solar thermal power plants. Solar thermal collectors work based on the principle of absorbing solar energy. Although there are different types of solar collectors, as we will see later, the operating principle is similar in all of them.
Although solar panels in the UK are the most known device when it comes to solar energy, solar thermal collectors are also very efficient and are used to collect heat by absorbing sunlight.
Besides helping for power saving in households, solar collectors also serve well on a commercial scale. Multiple solar collectors are connected as an array to form an interconnected system for producing electrical energy in solar farms or power plants. Many types of solar collectors are available to harness solar energy.
Solar thermal collectors might be the right choice for you! While not as popular as solar PV panels, solar thermal panels can be just as beneficial for you by providing you with hot water. However, they can also be more complicated. That's why it's important to have a professional installer assess your home and help with the installation process.