This study focuses on failure results, characteristics, and phenomena. Lithium-ion batteries under different states of charge (SOCs) (0%, 30%, 50%, 80%, 100%, and 120%) at high temperatures have been investigated with the thermal abuse test. During the experiments, several typical failure processes were captured.
The results show that harsh conditions, such as high temperature, low temperature, low pressure, and fast charging under vibration, significantly accelerate battery degradation and reduce the thermal safety of lithium-ion batteries in these application scenarios and working conditions.
It considers the lifetime degradation and thermal hazardous evolution behaviors of lithium-ion batteries under various complex environments, such as charging and discharging conditions, temperatures, vibrations, pressures, and humidity.
Thermal problems in batteries are directly linked to abnormal temperature variations in batteries. Consequently, it is possible to convert the prognosis of battery thermal failure into an issue of forecasting temperature. A precise model can be used to estimate battery temperature in the future.
These studies have revealed that the thermal safety of aging lithium-ion batteries is affected by the aging path. Aging changes the thermal stability of the materials inside the battery, which in turn affects the thermal safety.
In real-world application scenarios, the complexity of the working environment and the sensitivity of lithium-ion batteries mean that the coupling of different environmental factors, such as cycling rates and ambient temperatures, has a significant impact on battery degradation.