Equipped with advanced monitoring parameters, including system voltage, current, cell voltage, and temperature measurements, the Libbi battery pack enables precise energy management. Its LFP (LiFeP04) battery chemistry ensures high energy density and efficient energy conversion, optimizing your energy usage and reducing overall energy costs.
We process each battery pack on dedicated learning machines to measure the individual capacity of each battery pack that we do and initialize the BMS functions. All battery data and parameters are logged and stored.
Robust Specifications With a nominal capacity of 5.12kWh, the Libbi battery pack delivers reliable performance for your energy storage needs. It operates within a wide voltage range and can handle maximum charge/discharge currents of 50A/80A, ensuring efficient energy transfer.
We guide the OEM customer in the selection of the most appropriate battery cell model based on the application needs. We focus mainly on Li-Ion based cell technology, including LiFePO4 and LTO solutions.
New Energy Ltd is a professional battery pack designer and manufacturer with more than 20 years of experience. We serve the industry in Europe and in the USA making innovative products with technology, enthusiasm and passion.
be used as an energy storage system are reproduced below. The voltage ranges from 3 to 4 1.0V - 3.0VCurrent range of pre-charging0.1C to 0.5CComparing Table 2 and Table 6 reveals that battery packs designed as per recommendations, individual cells will each store or drain less than the OEM ra