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How can we estimate China's Daily solar radiation?

Liu et al. developed a generalized model for estimating China's daily by using the , , and data of 98 solar radiation stations and 562 non-radiation stations in China, combined with solar radiation data, in addition to and data.

How many basic meteorological elements are there in China?

The daily data set of basic meteorological elements of China's national surface meteorological stations (V3.0) contains daily observations of basic meteorological elements measured at 2,474 major stations since January 1951.

How many meteorological stations are there in China?

For example, 98 stations with solar radiation are available and about 2400 national meteorological stations in China , . Besides, there are about 70 thousand regional automatic meteorological stations, which observe one or more of the rainfall, temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed .

How to measure long-term variations of solar radiation in China?

Thus, understanding the long-term variations of solar radiation is important for planning the utilizations of solar energy resources over mainland China in the future. Measurement by pyranometer with accurately calibrated are the best way to obtain the long-term SSR data (Wang et al., 2012).

How many solar radiation monitoring stations are there in China?

In China, only 97 solar radiation monitoring stations have been established on the mainland, and they are unevenly and sparsely distributed across the region (Tang et al., 2011 ).

Are meteorological parameters useful for energy-efficient building assessment in China?

Then, country-level meteorological parameters were developed for energy-efficient building assessment in China, based on actual meteorological data in the present study. This set of meteorological parameters may facilitate engineering applications as well as allowing the updating and expansion of relevant building energy efficiency standards.

Long-term variations of surface solar radiation in China from …

China is one of the largest worldwide country in the utilization of solar energy resources. China''s photovoltaic power generation ... the long-term SSR values could be …

Review of empirical solar radiation models for estimating global …

This study aims to examine the literature gaps by evaluating recent predictive models and categorizing them into various groups depending on the input parameters, and …

Review of empirical solar radiation models for estimating global solar …

This study aims to examine the literature gaps by evaluating recent predictive models and categorizing them into various groups depending on the input parameters, and …

The spatial distribution of China''s solar energy resources and the ...

In this study, the spatial distribution of solar energy resources in China is analyzed by evaluating and analyzing the optimal tilt angle of the PV panels. The results could …

Country-level meteorological parameters for building energy

Period, named Fundamental parameters on building energy efficiency in China, comprising of 15 top-ranking universities and institutions in China. Key words: building energy efficiency; …

Frontiers | Spatial and temporal characteristics of …

The results of both studies indicate that insolation is highest on the Tibetan Plateau and lowest in the Sichuan Basin, and suggest that the receipt of solar radiation in China is impacted by both seasonal and interannual …

Estimation of global solar radiation using an artificial neural …

The geographical, meteorological, and solar radiation parameters used in this study were obtained from the China Meteorological Administration/National Meteorological …

Comparative Analysis of Global Solar Radiation Models in …

In this paper, we analyzed the accuracy and applicability of 9 sunshine-based models and 3 temperature-based models to estimate daily R s using the widely measured meteorological …

Daily Global Solar Radiation in China Estimated From …

Based on observations from 2,379 meteorological stations along with scare solar radiation observations, the random forest (RF) model is employed to construct a high-density network of daily global solar radiation …

Long-term variations of surface solar radiation in China from …

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the spatial and temporal variations of SSR at 2474 CMA meteorological stations during 1961–2014 over mainland …

Relationships between meteorological parameters and criteria …

The surface meteorological data for each city, including temperature, wind speed, wind directions, and dew point were acquired from China Meteorological Administration in the …

Comparative Analysis of Global Solar Radiation Models in Different ...

In this paper, we analyzed the accuracy and applicability of 9 sunshine-based models and 3 temperature-based models to estimate daily R s using the widely measured meteorological …

Variability in Direct and Diffuse Solar Radiation Across China …

This study improved hybrid models to calculate R dir and R dif from sunshine duration and meteorological data at ~2,000 stations from 1958 to 2017 over China and …

Aerosol and Meteorological Parameters Associated with the …

The northeastern parts of China, including Beijing city, the capital of China, were hit by an intense dust storm on 15 April 2015. The present paper discusses aerosol and meteorological …

Generation of typical meteorological year for different climates of China

A typical meteorological year (TMY) is a set of meteorological and solar radiation parameters usually consisting of hourly values in a year for a given geographical location.

Daily Global Solar Radiation in China Estimated From …

Based on observations from 2,379 meteorological stations along with scare solar radiation observations, the random forest (RF) model is employed to construct a high …

Investigation on country-level meteorological parameters for …

In this study, changes in meteorological parameters of Harbin, Tianjin, Kunming, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, representing the five major climate zones of China, were analyzed …

Impacts of aerosol meteorological feedback on China''s yield …

We then further perturb three major meteorological parameters, including solar radiation, temperature and precipitation, respectively, to identify the most important …

Development criterion of estimating hourly global solar radiation …

The criterion of estimating hourly global solar radiation from daily global radiation and hourly meteorological parameters are developed and discussed in this study. …

Defining and grading passive solar heating potential indicator in China …

Then, country-level meteorological parameters were developed for energy-efficient building assessment in China, based on actual meteorological data in the present study.

Variability in Direct and Diffuse Solar Radiation Across …

This study improved hybrid models to calculate R dir and R dif from sunshine duration and meteorological data at ~2,000 stations from 1958 to 2017 over China and demonstrated their reliability. We identified that R dir …

Frontiers | Spatial and temporal characteristics of surface solar ...

The results of both studies indicate that insolation is highest on the Tibetan Plateau and lowest in the Sichuan Basin, and suggest that the receipt of solar radiation in …

Daily Global Solar Radiation in China Estimated From …

The DGSR measurements used in this study are from the National Meteorological Information Center, China Meteorological Administration. The data set contains daily mean global solar radiation, diffuse solar radiation, …

Daily Global Solar Radiation in China Estimated From …

The DGSR measurements used in this study are from the National Meteorological Information Center, China Meteorological Administration. The data set contains …

High-resolution assessment of solar radiation and energy potential in China

China is rich in solar energy, with 2/3 of China''s areas having annual radiation ... technical potential based on timeseries of meteorological parameters is estimated after …