The recommended storage temperature for most batteries is 15°C (59°F); the extreme allowable temperature is –40°C to 50°C (–40°C to 122°F) for most chemistries. You can store a sealed lead acid battery for up to 2 years.
If the storage temperature is too high, the battery will discharge more quickly, which can lead to a shorter lifespan. It is also important to note that the allowable temperature range for lead-acid battery storage is between -40°C to 50°C (-40°C to 122°F). Anything outside of this range can cause damage to the battery and reduce its lifespan.
On the other hand, storing batteries in a cold environment can cause them to freeze, which can also damage the battery plates and lead to reduced capacity. Therefore, it is essential to store your lead-acid batteries in a dry and temperature-controlled environment to prevent damage.
Sealed lead acid batteries need to be kept above 70% State of Charge (SoC). If you are storing your batteries at the ideal temperature and humidity levels then a general rule of thumb would be to recharge the batteries every six months. However if you are not sure then you can check the voltage as follows:
You can store a sealed lead acid battery for up to 2 years. Since all batteries gradually self-discharge over time, it is important to check the voltage and/or specific gravity, and then apply a charge when the battery falls to 70 percent state-of-charge, which reflects 2.07V/cell open circuit or 12.42V for a 12V pack.
Lead-acid batteries will accept more current if the temperature is increased and if we accept that the normal end of life is due to corrosion of the grids then the life will be halved if the temperature increases by 10ºC because the current is double for every 10ºC increase in temperature.