Bulk physical storage of renewable energy produced gases can act as a longer-term storage solution (hours, days, weeks, months) to help maintain flexibility in a fossil-free energy grid ( The Danish Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells ). Without the hydrogen scenario, the potential for hydrogen-based energy storage in Denmark will be limited.
In addition, two leading simulations of the Danish energy system towards 2030 are also given and show the foreseen role of energy storage. Secondly, in Sections 11-15 fairly detailed descriptions are given for those technologies, that are found to be most relevant and hold the largest application potential towards 2030.
As wind power becomes dominant in Danish power supply (50% from 2020), heat pumps and energy storage will play an important role in the main energy supply system. As a cooling technology, ATES reduces the summer peak electricity loads hence reduces risk of power system instability.
The catalogue contains both existing technologies and technologies under development. The catalogue contains data for various energy storage technologies and was first published in October 2018. Several battery technologies were added up until January 2019. Technology data for energy storage – October 2018 – Updated April 2024
Danish Center for Energy Storage, DaCES, is a partnership that covers the entire value chain from research and innovation to industry and export in the field of energy storage and conversion. The ambition of DaCES is to strengthen cooperation, sharing of knowledge and establishment of new partnerships between companies and universities.
The most prominent simulations of the future energy system in Denmark are probably provided by Energinet.dk (the Danish TSO) and IDA (the Danish Society of Engineers). In both reports, energy storage – as gas, as thermal energy and in batteries - is a substantial component of the energy system. 9.1 Energinet´s “Systemperspektiv 2035”