Therefore, battery energy storage systems (BESS) are needed in Italy. The Italian market for BESS is growing rapidly and currently amounts to 2.3 GW but it almost exclusively consists of residential scale systems, associated with small scale solar plants, having a capacity of less than 20 kWh.
As Italy’s energy mix is increasingly composed of variable renewable energy sources, electricity storage will be needed to integrate power generated by renewables into the national grid and make it available when sun and wind energy are not accessible.
More in detail, 311,189 storage systems were present in Italy in mid- 2023, with a total power of 2,329 MW and a maximum capacity of 3,946 MWh. Terna (the high voltage grid operator) also holds systems totaling 60 MW in power and 250 MWh in capacity.
BESS, or battery energy storage systems, are an essential element of the energy transition: the Enel Group is playing an important role in the growth of the sector, in Italy and in the other countries where it is present. There can be no real energy transition in Italy without electricity storage systems.
There can be no real energy transition in Italy without electricity storage systems. And here Enel Green Power is also playing a leading role, particularly in battery energy storage systems (BESS), which are increasingly efficient and competitive, thanks to technological innovation.
Gestore Servizio Energetici (GSE) is the state-owned company which promotes and supports renewable energy in Italy. It fosters sustainable development by providing support for renewable electricity generation and renewable energy storage, and by taking actions to build awareness of environmentally-efficient energy uses.