Introduction Metallized film capacitors (MFC) utilizing polypropylene dielectric have become the key components widely used in pulsed power systems and power electronics applications. The MFC is composed of two films coated with zinc or aluminum with a few nanometers thickness .
METAL CASES Pulse capacitors providing a wide range of capabilities for high peak current microsecond discharge to long life, high energy density applications. Capabilities PLASTIC CASES
Ceramic film capacitors with high dielectric constant and high breakdown strength hold special promise for applications demanding high power density.
We observed a recoverable energy density of U Rec ≈ 85 J/cm 3 and conversion efficiency of ≈65 % at room temperature with a maximum field of ≈4.5 MV/cm applied. In summary, we investigated the dielectric properties and energy storage performance of ≈2-μm-thick PLZT film capacitors grown on LNO/Ni and PtSi substrates.
Hu et al. reported recoverable energy density of ≈60 J/cm 3 in antiferroelectric PLZT film capacitors. These advanced capacitor materials signify the potential for energy storage and conversion applications. In this paper, we report our recent development of PLZT film capacitors for power electronics and high-field energy storage.
With 900 V applied voltage (corresponding to an applied field of ≈4.5 × 10 6 V/cm), we measured a recoverable energy density of U Rec ≈ 85 J/cm 3, as highlighted by the shaded area. This recoverable energy is by far the highest ever reported with PLZT film capacitors.