Abstract: A mobile energy storage system (MESS) is a localizable transportable storage system that provides various utility services. These services include load leveling, load shifting, losses minimization, and energy arbitrage. A MESS is also controlled for voltage regulation in weak grids.
Improving power grid resilience can help mitigate the damages caused by these events. Mobile energy storage systems, classified as truck-mounted or towable battery storage systems, have recently been considered to enhance distribution grid resilience by providing localized support to critical loads during an outage.
Referred to as transportable energy storage systems, MESSs are generally vehicle-mounted container battery systems equipped with standard-ized physical interfaces to allow for plug-and-play operation. Their transportation could be powered by a diesel engine or the energy from the batteries themselves.
Power Edison has deployed mobile energy storage systems for over five years, offering utility-scale plug-and-play solutions . In 2021, Nomad Trans-portable Power Systems released three commercially available MESS units with energy capacities ranging from 660 kWh to 2 MWh .
Mobile energy storage increases distribution system resilience by mitigating outages that would likely follow a severe weather event or a natural disaster. This decreases the amount of customer demand that is not met during the outage and shortens the duration of the outage for supported customers.
MESSs are not subject to the stochastic behavior and demand of electric vehicle drivers and do not require advanced communication infrastructure, smart meters, or interaction with electricity consumers. The primary advantage that mobile energy storage offers over stationary energy storage is flexibility.