By understanding the photovoltaic module production process and to learn which machines are involved in the production of a module, gives you the knowledge to understand the points that are delicate and fundamental for the production helping you in the choice of a reliable and high-quality product.
Some of this equipment can be integrated into the production line according to the wished level of automation. The photovoltaic cells are placed in a piece of equipment, called solar stringer, that interconnects the cells in a series by soldering a coated copper wire, called ribbon, on the bus bar of the cell.
The solar module manifacturing process is performed at an industrial level by special machines which assemble the various parts semi-automaticly. Today the standard practice includes the construction of production lines that can handle the entire solar module manifacturing process.
The assembly of photovoltaic modules consists of a series of consecutive operations that can be performed by automatic machines dedicated to optimizing the single production phases that transform the various raw material in a finished product.
How Does Solar Work? Solar manufacturing encompasses the production of products and materials across the solar value chain. While some concentrating solar-thermal manufacturing exists, most solar manufacturing in the United States is related to photovoltaic (PV) systems.
The humidity should not go beyond 65% per day and temperature should not exceed 25±5. Before you declare your photovoltaic cell ready, you need to carry out a mirror surface inspection. This step will help give you an assurance that the mirror of the solar panel is in a perfect condition.