The purpose of the capacity, or load bank test is to determine the true capacity of the battery by finding the time that it takes the battery to reach the end of discharge voltage and compare it to the expected time from the battery manufacturer’s published ratings. The ratio between the resulting time and the expected time, with
By measuring the voltage across the battery, its remaining capacity can be preliminarily estimated. The constant current discharge method is a more accurate battery capacity test method. Connect the battery to a certain load and discharge it at a constant current until the battery voltage drops to the predetermined cut-off voltage.
In this paper, four types of commercial high-power batteries, including two types of LTO/NCM lithium-ion battery from two different manufacturers, a C/LMO battery and a supercapacitor (SC) are subjected to a durability test. A realistic current profile for HEVs is used in the durability test according to the Ref. .
The ratio between the resulting time and the expected time, with a temperature correction, defines the capacity of the battery in percentage. This method is the Time Adjusted capacity test and is the preferred method for tests longer than one hour.
Two major standardized testing procedures for battery capacity are the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 61960 and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 1725 standards.
By measuring the discharge time and combining the current value, the battery capacity can be accurately calculated. This method is relatively simple to operate and the results are relatively reliable, but it requires certain experimental equipment and technical support. 3. Pulse discharge method: a fast and accurate modern technology