Solar panels, the heart of solar energy systems, offer a remarkable way to generate electricity while reducing your carbon footprint. But what exactly are solar panels, and how can our dedicated Renewables Team of experts guide you on this transformative journey?
The six main types of solar panels are polycrystalline, monocrystalline, thin-film, transparent, solar tiles, and perovskite. The 6 types of solar panels in 2024 | What solar panels should I get? - YouTube The 6 types of solar panels in 2024 | What solar panels should I get? If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.
Monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels are the two most common types of solar panel in the UK. In the coming years, monocrystalline will take a significant lead over polycrystalline in terms of popularity, as all the best solar panels on the market now are made with monocrystalline.
Polycrystalline solar panels are one of the oldest types of solar panel in existence, with cells that are made by melting multiple silicon crystals and combining them in a square mould. These blue panels are less efficient, less aesthetically pleasing, and less long-lasting than black monocrystalline panels.
The best type of solar panel overall is monocrystalline, as it achieves the best peak power output, efficiency ratings, and break-even point, all while looking good. However, perovskite solar panels are coming for its crown. When they’re widely available, they’ll revolutionise the market – and your electricity bill savings.
Perovskite solar panels could become widely available by 2026. Solar tiles absorb sunlight and turn it into electricity, just like other solar technologies, but they’re made to look like regular roof tiles. That means they blend in perfectly with your roof – though you’ll need to get your entire roof replaced during the installation.