I don't want to be responsible of any incidents caused by the misuse of the information posted here. This capacitor charger is intended to charge small capacitor banks, it's built around the 555 chip, so it can work with an input ranging from 5 to 16 volts, and a charge voltage from 60 to 400 volts.
With that voltage the current draw is about 2 to 4 amps. It has a comparator with an adjustable voltage divider, this means you can set a trigger by adjusting the potentiometer so the comparator can stop the circuit when the capacitors have reached the desired voltage, indicating this with 2 LEDs.
The diodes will hold the charge in the capacitors. Even though the UF4007 are rated for 1 Amp and 30 Amps peak I don't really trust them, so I used two just in case. You can use to220 diodes with more current rating if you are skeptical about this.
To calibrate the maximum charge voltage you need to follow this steps: If the voltage is below the voltage desired increase the resistance, the voltage should rise until stopping again at a higher voltage.