This paper reviews the recent development of grid-connected PV (GPV) generation systems comprising of several sub-components such as PV modules, DC-DC converter, maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique, and an inverter. In addition, various grid synchronization and islanding detection methods are elaborated.
Solar Energy Grid Integration Systems may be configured to address any combination of these market application segments and may be modular in nature. The scale of these markets is described in Table 1. PV systems generate energy with minimal environmental impact. However, a simple PV system without storage provides power only when the sun shines.
The inevitable transformation of the electrical grid to a more distributed generation configuration requires solar system capabilities well beyond simple net-metered, grid-connected approaches.
A solar inverter that transforms the DC power generated by the solar array panels into AC power. A connection box with the commercial electrical grid. A net meter, in order to take control of the amount of energy supplied to the grid. In the following diagram, we show the scheme of a grid-tied PV solar system:
Diagram of grid-connected photovoltaic system . The inverter, used to convert photovoltaic dc energy to ac energy, is the key to the successful operation of the system, but it is also the most complex hardware.
Grid connected photovoltaic systems (GCPVS) are the application of photovoltaic (PV) solar energy that have shown the most growth in the world. Since 1997, the amount of GCPVS power installed annually is greater than that all other terrestrial applications of PV technology combined .