Series resistance in a solar cell has three causes: firstly, the movement of current through the emitter and base of the solar cell; secondly, the contact resistance between the metal contact and the silicon; and finally the resistance of the top and rear metal contacts.
Series resistance does not affect the solar cell at open-circuit voltage since the overall current flow through the solar cell, and therefore through the series resistance is zero. However, near the open-circuit voltage, the IV curve is strongly affected by the series resistance.
The characteristic resistance of a solar cell is the cell's output resistance at its maximum power point. If the resistance of the load is equal to the characteristic resistance of the solar cell, then the maximum power is transferred to the load, and the solar cell operates at its maximum power point.
Resistance is the opposition that a substance offers to the flow of electric current. There are various solar panel output parameters that can be measured and obtained during flash test, helping to judge on the performance quality of a solar panel.
Here I'd the easier way to calculate the shunt resistance and series resistance of solar panels using origin software You calculate the Rsh and Rs of the panel from the illuminated I-V curve in the data sheet normally at AM1.5. Rsh= 1/ (dI/dV) at the Vpanel =0 , that at short circuit conditions. Rs= 1/ (dI/dV) at open circuit point Vpanel=Voc.
The series resistance will effect on I-V Curve of solar module. As the maximum power Pmax is the product of maximum voltage and current, the Pmax will also change with change in I-V Curve. Condition 1: At series resistance Rs = 0/cm2 the cell generates maximum power and it is the product of Vmax and Imax.
Solar panels are usually tested under standard conditions using a light source that mimics the light from the sun on a clear day. You can use the following method if you want to test your solar panel under standard conditions. Testing solar panels is easy with a …