If you are upgrading a home battery bank to lithium and you already have a modern charge controller, the process could be as simple as installing the new batteries and flipping a switch. If, however, you are replacing a lead acid/AGM battery with lithium in a vehicle or RV, then you must consider the capabilities of the alternator.
Voltage of lead acid battery upon charging. The charging reaction converts the lead sulfate at the negative electrode to lead. At the positive terminal the reaction converts the lead to lead oxide. As a by-product of this reaction, hydrogen is evolved.
Lithium batteries are a lot more power dense than lead acid or AGM batteries, so this means that a replacement lithium-ion battery of the same capacity will be much smaller than a lead acid battery. So, buying or building a lithium-ion battery for a lead acid scooter is a relatively straightforward affair.
Lithium batteries offer a multitude of advantages over lead acid batteries, such as a longer battery life, lighter weight, higher efficiency, deeper depth of discharge, smaller size, maintenance-free operation, and more power.
Discharge Characteristics: Lithium-ion batteries can be discharged deeper than lead acid batteries without damage. This means you can utilize more of the battery’s capacity, but it’s crucial to avoid discharging below the recommended levels to maintain battery health.
The battery should not, therefore, be discharged below this voltage. In between the fully discharged and charged states, a lead acid battery will experience a gradual reduction in the voltage. Voltage level is commonly used to indicate a battery's state of charge.