The low voltage power capacitors comply with most national and international standards. Other voltages up to 1,000 V are available on request. Capacitor elements made of metallised polypropylene film are self-healing and dry without impregnation liquid. Each capacitor element is individually protected with patented internal fuse protection.
• ISO 14001 - ABB CLMD low voltage capacitors have a dry type dielectric and are free from liquids or other impregnating agents. ABB LV CLMD low voltage capacitors are required throughout the low voltage and high voltage electrical network to provide reactive power compensation and harmonic filtering systems.
Low (LV) reactive power compensation and harmonic filtering solutions help customers to improve the performance of installations through energy savings and better power quality, enabling end users to save money and reduce the environmental impact of their operations.
The low-voltage capacitor QCap from Hitachi Energy has the following features: Included. Discharge from Un to 50V in 1 minute 1 stud (M12). Recommended torque: 10Nm Cage screws. Recommended torque: 2Nm Low-voltage QCap capacitors address low power factor and consequently increase the power quality of the installations.
ABB CLMD capacitors are very beneficial to power grids - by producing reactive power, ABB capacitors compensate for the reactive power consumption of electrical motors, switchgear, transformers etc. Capacitors improve stability of power grids with increased transmission capacity and reduced losses due to higher power factors.
Automatic capacitor banks are used for centralized power factor correction at the main and sub distribution boards. Power factor correction means that reactive power charges imposed by electricity utilities can be avoided.