Abstract: This paper discusses new developments in lead-acid battery chemistry and the importance of the system approach for implementation of battery energy storage for renewable energy and grid applications.
Lead batteries are very well established both for automotive and industrial applications and have been successfully applied for utility energy storage but there are a range of competing technologies including Li-ion, sodium-sulfur and flow batteries that are used for energy storage.
Improvements to lead battery technology have increased cycle life both in deep and shallow cycle applications. Li-ion and other battery types used for energy storage will be discussed to show that lead batteries are technically and economically effective. The sustainability of lead batteries is superior to other battery types.
A selection of larger lead battery energy storage installations are analysed and lessons learned identied. Lead is the most efcientlyrecycled commodity fi fi metal and lead batteries are the only battery energy storage system that is almost completely recycled, with over 99% of lead batteries being collected and recycled in Europe and USA.
Each battery is grid connected through a dedicated 630 kW inverter. The lead–acid batteries are both tubular types, one flooded with lead-plated expanded copper mesh negative grids and the other a VRLA battery with gelled electrolyte.
Lead batteries cover a range of different types of battery which may be flooded and require maintenance watering or valve-regulated batteries and only require inspection.