A photovoltaic plant has several advantages and disadvantages. Among the disadvantages of solar panels is their . Indeed, the intensity of the sun varies throughout the day and the year. Therefore, solar panels cannot produce electricity at night. Clouds and snow can also affect the efficiency of solar panels.
Photovoltaic technology offers a large number of advantages which include : i. Producing neither gas nor toxic waste as the sun is a clean and renewable source of energy. ii. Offering high reliability, because it does not have moving parts which makes it particularly suitable for isolated regions such as spacecraft. iii.
Solar photovoltaic technology is one of the most important resources of renewable energy. However, the current solar photovoltaic systems have significant drawbacks, such as high costs compared to fossil fuel energy resources, low efficiency, and intermittency. Capturing maximum energy from the sun by using photovoltaic systems is challenging.
Solar photovoltaic (PV), a silicon made device which converts the solar energy into electrical energy through photoelectric effect. Although the PV technology is still expensive, the popularity is climbing hastily due to its simplicity in design and installation. Moreover, it is environment friendly, sustainable and almost maintenance free .
Photovoltaic (PV) cells, or solar cells, are semiconductor devices that convert solar energy directly into DC electric energy. In the 1950s, PV cells were initially used for space applications to power satellites, but in the 1970s, they began also to be used for terrestrial applications.
Photovoltaic technologies are the vital components in solar power generation. The role of PV technologies in sustainable power generation is realized. In this chapter, a study has been carried out on photovoltaics. The efficiency of the PV module using the performance characteristics, especially based on I - V and P - V curves, is also presented.