The oxidation of SO2 to SO3 in the production of sulphuric acid is catalysed by vanadium oxides (Garcia-Labiano et al., 2016). A more recent application for vanadium is in energy storage. Vanadium is used in the cathodes of some lithium ion batteries. A newer energy storage application is in redox ow batteries, which can
In this review, we will discuss the application of energy storage and electrocatalysis using a series of vanadium oxides: the mono-valence vanadium oxides, the mix-valence Wadsley vanadium oxides, and vanadium-based oxides. Related parameters of different vanadium oxides in LIBs are presented in Table 13.1.
The production of multiple commodities from titano-magnetites is thus worthy of further investigation to secure reliable sources of vanadium and titanium. Microwave-based processes have also shown promising results in various metallurgical studies, including some studies on vanadium ores and magnetite.
Furthermore, and importantly, a quite promising solution method for the practical commercialized applications of vanadium oxides cathode materials in the future is proposed, i.e., fabricating the “vanadium oxides-based cathode/solid electrolyte/Li metal anode-type” all solid-state secondary-ion batteries.
If a su ciently pure vana- dium solution could be produced from vanadium leach liquors directly by solvent extraction or some other processes, the conventional pre-cipitation/calcination process could be bypassed, hence reducing the energy inputs and environmental impact of vanadium electrolyte pro-duction.
Schematic diagram of research progress and possible promising future trends of vanadium-based oxides in energy storage. Vanadium-based oxides possess multiple valence states. To our best knowledge, the valences of vanadium-based oxides that can be applied in LIBs is mainly between +5 and +3. They can be divided into vanadium oxides and vanadate.