If you connect the positive and negative sides of a battery together directly, it will cause a short circuit. This can lead to the battery overheating, leaking, or even exploding in extreme cases. It is important to always avoid directly connecting the positive and negative terminals of a battery.
The positive side of a battery is only "positive" in relation to the "negative" terminal of the same battery. When you hook a wire from the positive terminal of the first battery to the negative terminal of the second, a very small amount of current will flow until the potential difference reaches zero.
The positive side of a battery is where the electrical current flows out, while the negative side is where the current flows in. These sides are commonly referred to as the positive and negative terminals respectively. How can I identify the positive and negative terminals of a battery?
If electrons make one side of the battery negative, then the other side is lacking those electrons and wants them. Because the positive terminal is lacking those electrons it has a much more positive voltage. It likely has a lot more protons (which are positive) than the negative side of the battery.
The difference in charge causes electrons to move through the wire towards the positive terminal of the battery, where they are removed from the wire. At the same time, the negative terminal supplies more electrons to the wire, so the charges don’t continually build up at the battery terminals.
The positive side of the battery is usually indicated by a “+” symbol or a longer terminal. This terminal is connected to the positive electrode of the battery, which contains a higher potential energy. It is important to connect this side to the corresponding positive terminal of a device or circuit.