On the basis of the work of Ravindra and Srivastava, the saturation current in solar cells can be explicitly related to a solid state parameter, the 0 K Debye temperature of the semiconductor. We also evaluate for various semiconductors at various temperatures. Our study shows that increase with increasing . Content may be subject to copyright. ...
In order to get it, some simulations have been carried out in Matlab/Simulink, where the different definitions of the reverse saturation current have been used, obtaining different predicted results and discussing them, being the most outstanding conclusion that actually there are only two different kinds of models.
Then we can define Reverse Saturation Current (I0) as a small current that is established by inversely polarizing the diode by the formation of electron-hole pairs. It depends on dope d levels, diode geometry and temperature, which approximately doubles every ten Celsius degrees.
However, the effects of individual model parameters were not clearly reviewed in the present literature. The objective of this work is to analyze the effects of model parameters on the simulation of PV cell. PSPICE is used to analyze and simulate the effects of parameters on photovoltaic cell performance.
The standard test conditions, or STC of a photovoltaic solar panel is used by a manufacturer as a way to define the electrical performance and characteristics of their photovoltaic panels and modules. We know that photovoltaic (PV) panels and modules are semiconductor devices that generate an electrical output when exposed directly to sunlight.
The ideal solar cell theoretically can be modeled as a current source with an anti-parallel diode (see Fig. 1). Direct current, generated when the cell is exposed to light, varies linearly with the solar radiation. An improvement of the model includes the effect of a shunt resistor and other one in series.
OverviewEquivalent circuit of a solar cellWorking explanationPhotogeneration of charge carriersThe p–n junctionCharge carrier separationConnection to an external loadSee also
An equivalent circuit model of an ideal solar cell''s p–n junction uses an ideal current source (whose photogenerated current increases with light intensity) in parallel with a diode (whose current represents recombination losses). To account for resistive losses, a shunt resistance and a series resistance are added as lumped elements. The resulting output current equals the photogenerated curr…