If “that” means charging and discharging at the same time, no, it does not do “that.” If current is flowing into the battery then the battery is being charged. If current is flowing out of the battery then the battery is being discharged. You cannot have both happening at the same time.
Also, The battery is not charging and discharging at the same time. It can do one or the other, but not both. When the charging system (solar panel or alternator) is below the voltage of the battery, the battery is going to supply the needed current. It can supplement the charge coming from the charging system.
Along with, You can charge and discharge a battery through the same connector. Charge is typically less current than discharge peaks, so discharge usually has thicker wiring via the BMS to protect against over-discharge of the pack. What Happens When A Battery Is Charging And Discharging?
The alternator is charging the battery while the ignition, lights & fan are using power. If “that” means charging and discharging at the same time, no, it does not do “that.” If current is flowing into the battery then the battery is being charged. If current is flowing out of the battery then the battery is being discharged.
The answer is yes, you can charge and discharge a 12v battery at the same time, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, when you’re charging and discharging a battery at the same time, you’re going to want to make sure that the charger is rated for the capacity of the battery.
The remaining 0.5A can be used for charging. Similuarly if the load is 2.5A then the battery will supply the remaining 0.5A. (discharging). So the battery is either charging or discharging. So, it is not simultaneous.
You can charge it and discharge it at the same time, but unless the voltage is actually increasing it is literally just spinning circles in the mud. On top of that the TP4056 is incapable of monitoring the cell voltage while it is being charged …