After the Asia-Potash Industrial Park project is put into operation, Laos is expected to see an annual fiscal revenue of approximately US$320 million, an increase in foreign exchange reserves of about US$1.7 billion, and a drive of local employment for 30,000 to 50,000 people.
As a landmark project under the framework of government-enterprise cooperation between China and Laos, the industrial park project integrates industrialization, urbanization and modern agricultural construction, and comprehensively promotes the accelerated development of the service industry.
Laos possesses remarkable advantages in terms of resources, energy, labour, and market. By utilizing the Asia-Potash International Intelligent Industrial Park as a platform to attract foreign investments, the Lao government has garnered significant attention from numerous Chinese enterprises, investors, and financial institutions.
On the fast-growing fertile land for investment in Laos, Asia-Potash International is confident that it can inject new momentum into cooperation between Laos and China. Tong Yongheng, Deputy General Manager of Asia-Potash International and Head of Laos Potash Fertilizer Base, described the development of the industrial park.
KPL (KPL) From July 3 to 6, the Investment Promotion Conference and Signing Ceremony of the Investment Cooperation Memorandum of Asia-Potash International Intelligent Industrial Park in Khammouane Province, Laos sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce and the Khammouane Provincial Government were grandly held in Guangzhou, China.
Guo Baichun said that the current difficulties faced by Laos' economy are temporary, and development is the most effective solution lies in pursuing development. By maintaining a stable and consistent opening-up policy, Laos' unique advantages will attract increasing investments, and all problems will be readily solved.