Eg if the emergency light does fail the annual 3 hour test, it would be time to replace the battery. In general it can be stated that emergency lighting batteries are required to last 4 years. 'Self Contained Luminaires shall incorporate batteries which are designed for at least 4 years of normal operation.
“For rechargeable emergency batteries with a physical rated life of ≥ 4 years of operation, [NAME] offers a guarantee for a period of 12 months after delivery.” Batteries, like any other electrochemical component are always subject to ageing. The minimum expected lifetime of the battery is 4 to 5 years.
Annually all emergency lights should be left to run on their batteries for a minimum of 3 hours. Any that do not last 3 hours should be changed immediately. Depending on make of battery, they each have a differing life expectancy. When the life expectancy date expires the batteries should be changed. Some makes it is 4 years some it is 5 years.
Replacing Emergency Lighting Batteries Did you know its a legal requirement to replace the Emergency Lighting Battery every 4 years? By meeting this requirement you are ensuring your battery pack is in sufficient working order to supply the necessary power supply to your emergency lighting fixtures.
Batteries, like any other electrochemical component are always subject to ageing. The minimum expected lifetime of the battery is 4 to 5 years. The precise value depends on matters such as the surrounding temperature and the number of discharge cycles.
If you use a lead-acid battery in your emergency light, you can expect to replace the battery within one to five years, depending on use. Lead-acid batteries typically last between 500 to 1,200 charge/discharge cycles.