Liu et al. proposed a coordinated output strategy for peak shaving and frequency regulation using existing energy storage to improve its economic development and benefits in industrial parks.
According to the generator output curve and energy storage output curve, the peak regulating effect of energy storage after parameter optimization is better than that without parameter optimization.
Energy storage is an important flexible adjustment resource in the power system. Because of its bidirectional flow of energy, it is very suitable to be used in power system as a peak regulation method.
storage frequency regulation and peak shavin g capacity. The model is as follows: Objective function is described as follows. of energy storage battery. Using this model, the capacity E and E of peak shaving and frequency regulation can be optimized. We can bring the obtained E and E into the peak frequency regulation bidding capacity C.
The connection of energy storage devices to the power grid can not only effectively utilize the power equipment, reduce the power supply cost, but also promote the application of new energy, improve the stability of the system operation, reduce the peak–valley difference of the power grid, and play an important role in the power system.
In this paper, a peak shaving and frequency regulation coordinated output strategy based on the existing energy storage is proposed to improve the economic problem of energy storage development and increase the economic benefits of energy storage in industrial parks.