Generally, used primary batteries, such as dry cells, are supposed to be brought to municipal offices, and used small rechargeable batteries are to be brought to the collection boxes placed at retail stores by a battery industry association, Japan Portable Rechargeable Battery Recycling Center (JBRC) (Fig. 1).
Removing them before disposing of products is very important to prevent fire incidents and promote proper recycling, but we found that only half of the products surveyed were disposed of after removing batteries. In particular, the battery removal rate was merely 22% in the case of mobile phones.
Shipping lithium batteries internationally can be a complicated process, but don't worry — FedEx is here to help. Are you shipping Lithium Batteries? While lithium batteries are often found in items we use every day, such as mobile phones and calculators, they can cause fire hazards on the ground and in-flight if improperly handled.
This battery pack is formed by a sandwich construction, which is divided into multiple subdivisions as the waterproof housing and the battery housing. The battery frame is made of lightweight aluminium, which provides a lot of installation space for the cells and increases the battery capacity .
*The following is an English translation of an article from the March 2016 issue of the Division’s online magazine (see the original text in Japanese). In Japan, collection and recycling of end-of-life (EOL) electrical equipment have been promoted to achieve proper resource circulation as well as reduction of loads at waste treatment facilities.
Recycling facility operators are also requested to secure much higher level of safety when they break up or crush Li-ion batteries. Recycling with improved safety and resource recovery is required in future for used Li-ion batteries in EOL small home appliances.