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How does a compensating capacitor affect power transfer?

When multiplied by the voltage across the load this leads to the same increased level of power, given by Eq. (22.6), as with parallel compensation. As shown by Eq. (22.6), compensating capacitors on the secondary side of an IPT circuit allow for an increase in power transfer by the Q of the secondary circuit.

Can parallel capacitors cause super synchronous resonances?

This solution is not feasible, since the amount of the grid impedance, thus its resonance frequency, varies depending on the operating conditions of the power system. The application of parallel compensation instead of series compensation is possible as well. But the parallel capacitors may cause super-synchronous resonances .

What is a compensating capacitor in an IPT circuit?

As shown by Eq. (22.6), compensating capacitors on the secondary side of an IPT circuit allow for an increase in power transfer by the Q of the secondary circuit. As for the secondary side of the circuit, primary side compensation is also beneficial, and reduces the reactive power drawn from the supply for a given power transfer level.

What is a parallel active power compensator (APC)?

Parallel Active Power Compensators (APC) seem to have been a very widely discussed matter of many publications in the last 20 years [ 1 – 7 ]. The features of these devices can be considered in respect to a few aspects, such as power stage structure, reference current calculation and control method, overall cost of application, number of functions.

Are there two types of parallel compensators with the same control method?

Two types of parallel compensators with the same control method but with different mode of operation are described and compared [ 33 ]. The hybrid solution composed of both types—voltage and current mode—is introduced to show the wide range of possibilities of modern power electronics applications.

Can parallel compensation be used instead of series compensation?

The application of parallel compensation instead of series compensation is possible as well. But the parallel capacitors may cause super-synchronous resonances . Therefore, when there is the possibility of using a combination of series and parallel compensation, its application can be a good solution.

A new series‐parallel active compensator for DC microgrids based …

A series-parallel compensator can be used for simultaneous series and parallel compensation, which is a back-to-back connection of a series and parallel compensator …

Methods of Reactive Power Compensation

Thus, the methods for reactive power compensation are nothing but the methods by which poor power factors can be improved. The methods are as follows: Using capacitor banks; Using synchronous condensers; Using static VAr …

A feasibility and method research on the on-line monitoring of …

The paper analyzes the feasibility of this method, and designs a system for the on-line monitoring of the parallel compensation capacitor capacitance, combined with highpotential power supply …

Control and Application of Parallel Active Compensators

Parallel Active Power Compensators (APC), their topologies and control methods are the major theme of this chapter. The material introduces a different point of view than the …

Current balance method of dual windings parallel coils based on ...

The reason for the current imbalance in the two windings is analysed in this work, and a distributed capacitor compensation method is proposed to balance the current …

Current balance method of dual windings parallel coils based on ...

A current‐sharing compensation method is proposed in [13] to balance the current in the DWP coil, but the complete compensation method equivalent to the traditional compen-

LC–CLC compensation topology for capacitive power …

The power loss comes from switching devices, compensation components, and interface plates. As shown in Fig. 15, nearly 50% power loss is consumed in the parallel capacitors. Therefore, high-power capacitor with …

Power Factor Correction (pfc) Tutorial

The vector sum of V R and V L not only gives us the amplitude of V S due to Pythagoras'' equation of: V 2 S = V 2 R + V 2 L but also the resulting phase angle (∠Θ) …

A Current-Sharing Compensation Method for High-Power …

The current-unbalance mechanism is illustrated and a current-sharing compensation method for IPT coils is proposed, where a compensation capacitor with a …

A feasibility and method research on the on-line monitoring of parallel …

The paper analyzes the feasibility of this method, and designs a system for the on-line monitoring of the parallel compensation capacitor capacitance, combined with highpotential power supply …

Power Factor Correction: Reactive Power Compensation Methods

There are several methods used for power factor correction. The 2 most used are capacitor banks and synchronous condensers. 1. Capacitor Banks: Capacitor banks are …

What is Reactive Power Compensation? | Capacitor Connect

Methods of reactive power compensation. In most cases, the compensation is capacitive. A system may use capacitors in parallel (shunt) to line, or it may be in series, …

Series and Parallel Compensation for the Permanent Magnet …

A. Parallel compensation Parallel compensation means that a capacitor is placed across the terminals of the stator coil. Fig. 3 shows the equivalent circuit of one stator coil, a parallel …

Current balance method of dual windings parallel …

The value of the compensation capacitors will affect the input impedance of the system. Assuming that the secondary side is completely resonant, the circuit structures of the traditional compensation method and the …

(PDF) Discussion on Application of Parallel Compensation …

Using the most commonly used power frequency AC withstand voltage method in daily electrical tests, a compensation capacitor and a compensation reactor are connected …

Power Factor Correction: Reactive Power Compensation Methods

In literature [34], compensation capacitors are connected in parallel in the compensation topology to solve the problem of small coupling capacitance. The block diagram is shown in Fig. 5, …

Parallel Compensation

In literature [34], compensation capacitors are connected in parallel in the compensation topology to solve the problem of small coupling capacitance. The block diagram is shown in Fig. 5, …

Filtering Characteristics of Parallel-Connected Fixed Capacitors in …

A tuning method for parallel-connected capacitors is proposed, considering power system strength and establishing a capacitance range that meets filtering standards. ...

Characteristics of Primary-Parallel-Compensation Methods for …

This paper discusses characteristics of current- and voltage-source output in parallel-parallel (PP) compensated and parallel-series (PS)-compensated wireless power transfer (WPT) systems, …

A Power Circulating Suppression Method for Parallel Transient …

A unidirectional link is typically incorporated into the DC input side of an inverter to ensure the reliability and stability of the microgrid power supply. Due to impedance and …

8.3: Capacitors in Series and in Parallel

The Parallel Combination of Capacitors. A parallel combination of three capacitors, with one plate of each capacitor connected to one side of the circuit and the other plate connected to the …

LC–CLC compensation topology for capacitive power transfer …

The power loss comes from switching devices, compensation components, and interface plates. As shown in Fig. 15, nearly 50% power loss is consumed in the parallel …

Power Factor Improvement Methods | Ways of P.F Correction

1. Static Capacitor. We know that most industries and power system loads are inductive, which causes a decrease in the system power factor due to lagging current (see disadvantages of …