In this work, solar drying technology was applied for thedeep dewatering of coal slime to save thermal energy and reduce the dust produced during the hot drying process of coal slime. Solar drying technology is used to dry coal slime to realize its resource utilization.
The greater the solar radiation intensity (SRI) is,the faster the drying indoor air and coal slime are heated, and the faster the drying efficiency is. As the slime becomes thinner, the internal water diffusion resistance becomes smaller and the drying efficiency correspondingly becomes faster.
When the target moisture content is20%, the reduction of water is the least and the utilization rate of solar energy is the lowest because, at this time, the coal slime is in the initial stage of drying, and the air and coal slime in the drying chamber have not been heated and warmed up.
Because the L of coal slime increases, the total amount of water contained in the same dry surface area also increases, and the weight loss of water per unit time becomes more obvious. Table 3. The Relationship between the Diffusion Coefficient and the L during the Drying Process of Coal Slime 2.5. Solar Thermal Efficiency Analysis 2.5.1.
Its maximum SSE value is4.02 × 10 –3, the maximum χ 2 value is 5.87 × 10 –4, and the maximum RMSE value is 1.88 × 10 –2. Table 2. The Relationship between the Diffusion Coefficient and SRI of Coal Slime The model fits of thin coal slime layers under different SRIs are compared, and four models with a high degree of fit are determined.
The influence of solar radiation intensity and slime thickness is investigated on the drying process. The greater the solar radiation intensity (SRI) is, the faster the drying indoor air and coal slime are heated, and the faster the drying efficiency is.