So, except plates, you also need some tin, iron and a soldering pencil. Take a notice: it's better not to use tin overmuch. Make sure joints are soldered proper and good. After all needed details have been prepared, you can start to assemble your solar panel. After working soldering spots with a special pencil, use the iron to apply tin carefully.
The first step is to fix the mounts that will support he Solar Panels. It can be Roof-ground mounts or flush mounts depending on the requirement. This base structure provides support and sturdiness. Care is taken on direction in which the PV panels (monocrystalline or polycrystalline) will be installed.
Flush mounts. With the help of these mounts, you can install your solar panel onto an RV, on rooftop or against the side of a pole, on your roof. You can even install them as a free-standing unit. The first step is to calculate the cost involved in setting up the type and size of the system.
The mounting structure provides the base for the entire solar system so make sure it is sturdy and properly fastened to the rooftops of your house or commercial establishment. A typical mounting structure is made up of aluminium. The performance of the solar panels depends upon the direction in which these panels are placed.
Solar panels can be used to generate electricity for both commercial and home use. In both cases, the Photovoltaic Panel are installed on Roof Top to get maximum possible sunlight and generate maximum electricity from the system. Following are the steps involved in the installation process:
Connect the positive wire from the solar panel with the positive inverter terminal and the negative wire with negative terminal of the inverter. There are other connections too like battery wire connection and output wire connection with the inverter.