Before you can install your solar panels, it’s crucial to prepare your garden space. Clear the area of any debris, obstacles, or overgrown vegetation that might obstruct sunlight exposure to your panels. This ensures a clean and accessible workspace for installation. Mounting and Placement of Solar Panels
Securely mount solar panels on your chosen location using mounting racks. The type of rack will depend on whether the installation is on a roof or the ground. Ensure high-quality wiring and connectors to minimize energy loss. Your installer will design a wiring system that connects the panels to the inverter and then to your electrical panel.
Inverters convert the DC energy generated by solar panels into AC energy for household use. Choose between string inverters (cost-effective) and microinverters (panel-level optimization). Securely mount solar panels on your chosen location using mounting racks. The type of rack will depend on whether the installation is on a roof or the ground.
Proper planning, including assessing your energy needs, roof suitability, and obtaining necessary permits, is essential for a successful solar panel installation. Preparation involves gathering materials, setting up scaffolding, and choosing the right solar panels, ensuring you have the tools and safety measures in place.
For most residential installations, rooftops are the preferred location for solar panels. Ensure your roof is structurally sound and faces the right direction to maximize sun exposure. South-facing roofs typically receive the most sunlight. If your roof is not suitable for solar panels, consider ground-mounted options.
Yes, you can install your own solar panels. Sunstore Solar can provide professional installation, but we appreciate some people like to get stuck into a project. We designed our solar panel kits specifically for DIY solar panel installation projects. And what better project than providing energy security for your family or business?