DNV - Report, 23 Sep 2021 Final Report | L2C204644-UKBR-D-01-E Techno-economic analysis of battery energy storage for reducing fossil fuel use in Sub-Saharan Africa 147 AMDA estimates that the average time for a mini grid to get all the required licenses and regulatory approval in Africa is over a year.
Technological challenges include the formation of dendrites (spikes of metal), solubility of the Li-ion in suitable electrolytes, and overall stability. | DNV - Report, 23 Sep 2021 Final Report | L2C204644-UKBR-D-01-E Techno-economic analysis of battery energy storage for reducing fossil fuel use in Sub-Saharan Africa 189
Stationary battery storage can decarbonize fossil fuelled power generation. Battery storage can reduce the system-level cost of the electricity sector. Strong attention has been given to the costs and benefits of integrating battery energy storage systems (BESS) with intermittent renewable energy systems.
Regional Perspective: The market for utility-scale energy storage in Sub-Saharan Africa is currently small to very small. There are several projects announced or under tendering that will represent the first utility-scale battery energy storage projects (BESS) in the respective countries .
Another factor that may support the economics of captive power systems with storage is the call for governments to reduce fossil fuel energy subsidies and introduce cost reflective tariffs.
The life cycle inventory for power plant construction and decommissioning is about 2 g-CO2/kWh with reference to the 505 MW CCGT plant evaluated in which can translate to 420.5 g-CO2/MWe by generating capacity. 3.4. Battery energy storage system A full-scale detailed LCA on BESS is out of the scope of this paper.