At this time, the circuit known as the “boost converter” gets utilized. It helps to boost up the input DC voltage and provide it at the output side so that it may get used by the other device that needed the greater voltage. In this tutorial, we are going to “3.7V to 5V Boost Converter”.
Thus a single circuit can be used as 3.7 to 5V Voltage Booster Circuit or 5.3V or 6V Booster. The MC34063 can also be used as DC-to-DC Boost Converter to boost 3.7V to 9V. You can use this Circuit in this project: Power Supply for NodeMCU
With the voltage boost converter module with IC series ME2108Axxx, you can achieve 5V stable DC voltage output at a wide range of input voltage levels between 0.9V and 5V. This small circuit boosts the voltage level and provides the amplified, stabilized 5V output. This IC is designed such that it requires minimal external components.
The below image shows a schematic of a 3.7 to 5v boost converter using IC MT3608: The amount of current required to produce a stable output varies, depending on the input voltage range. For an input of 3.7v or more, the output of this IC’s can deliver a maximum of a 2000mA. (for that, input supply must be capable of delivering higher current).
Features: The input of 3V gives 5V at ~400 mA. If you want to use 18650 lithium-ion battery or any 3.7v battery as a 5v battery supply then, check power bank circuit, this might help. With the voltage boost converter module with IC MT3608, you can achieve 5V stable DC voltage output at a wide range of input voltage above 2.0V.
3.7V to 5V Boost Converter Breakout board When you design the PCB for boost converter using ME2108 set external components as close as possible to the IC and minimize the connection between components and IC. Use Capacitor with a capacity of 10µF or more in 1210 package. (you can try some other package also).